Intra African Trade should be a given. African countries have historical and cultural links with their neighbours and some languages are spoken between countries. However the reality is that many countries on the Continent have easier access to countries abroad as roads and other infrastructure between African Countries are poor and do not encourage trade.
In 2018 49 African leaders signed the Kigali Declaration which should lead to the establishment of the Continental Free Trade Area in effect, a single continental market for goods and services, with free movement of business persons and investments.
The aim of the Agreement (AfCFTA) is to eventually eliminate tariffs and other non-trade barriers leading to the ability to scale up businesses, offer more competitive services and create regional or even continental value chains.
There is still a way to go. While the AfCFTA has been signed there are a number of Protocols that need to be agreed and some are just been negotiated. The Agreement comes into force when 22 countries ratify it. That is yet to happen
However so far, there appears to be political will to deliver the Agreement. Africa needs to very quickly upscale trade, investments and development to lift and keep its citizens out of poverty.